Episode 148

Published on:

27th Oct 2023

Unmasking Halloween Haters: Embrace the Fun and Ignite Your Creativity!

In a world full of Halloween haters and misconceptions, there is one fearless podcaster ready to set the record straight. Nerdy Gee: the host with a passion for all things spooky and whimsical. But little did he know, this Halloween episode would take an unexpected turn, challenging his resolve and pushing him to new heights. Brace yourself as Nerdy Gee takes on the haters, debunks the misconceptions, and reveals a secret that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Get ready to dive into a world of mischief, magic, and a twist you won't see coming. Get your pumpkin spice latte ready, because this is a Halloween tale like no other.


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Oh, that's random Podcast, the show with a spin on everyday real life random topics that will have you like, what with that guy? Your guy, the one and only Nerdy.


Let's go. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the show. This is oh, that's Random podcast. I am your host. You heard the guy.


Nerdy Geee, your host. Listen, Nerdy's Nerdy's Umbrella . Everything. And then if you can see once again today, I am Donning. Another special little merchandise for you guys, right?


This is the bears. The Nerdy bears. If you haven't seen it, go look Nerdy's Nerdy's Umbrella . Go check the link in the description to go specifically to get this. I'll be posting it all everywhere.


Also have it in the hoodie. But it's amazing. It's great. Please support the channel, do your thing, and whatever the case may be, however you see fit, right? First time listeners welcome.


Returning listeners. Thank you guys for coming back. Also, don't forget Nerdy's Nerdy's Umbrella has a book written by yours truly. The one and only Nerdy Geee that is called this May Not be for you. It's a quick read.


It's about understanding, embracing these shadow relationships in today's society. So go check that out. Like I said, it's a really good quick read. You can go get it on Amazon, you can get it on Audible. Either way, just go pick it up.


And also, too, the link's in the description, we're going to make that quick and easy for you guys. All right? So you saw the title, you know what's up, you know what time it is. It's a bunch of you out there. And I don't have a problem.


I don't have a problem. Nerdy does not have a problem addressing hatos hatos haters hat us. We don't have a problem. I don't have a problem over here. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, I don't have a problem with addressing the haters, especially when it comes to Halloween.


You understand what I'm saying? I do not have a problem with addressing any haters when it comes to Halloween, because the fun that you're trying to suck out of Halloween ain't for that. Listen, Halloween is for the kids. Halloween is for the kid in you. But if you ain't got the kid in you, you hate.


Now, listen, I'm not going to really deem bash anybody else. So let's go ahead and get this out the way early on in this conversation. And like I say, this is a conversation, this is a piece where when you come over to Odess random podcast, everybody's welcome. Everybody's welcome. We're going to talk, we're going to laugh, we're going to joke.


We might even cry sometimes, right? I'm going to try to keep you all from crying. I would rather make you laugh or whatnot, but let me go ahead and get this out the way. So all you folks, all you religious folks out there and here, listen to me. Listen to me.


You know what? Now let's do it this way. I need you to get close in on me. Somebody got the zoom in on me. Man.


Zoom in. Zoom in. Zoom in on me. Listen, I got to go down a little bit. You zoomed in a little bit too much.


But listen to me, religions, we respect you and what you believe. Do not do not disrespect us when it comes to this holiday. We don't be it's one day out the year. We do not be all up in your business every Sunday, every Wednesday, every Thursday, knocking the Bible out of your hand, telling you that your beliefs ain't about nothing. So when it comes to Halloween, we get one day out of the year.


Unless you are into anime, cosplay and things like that, that's totally different. But this Halloween is for all ages who have that kidlike spirit and never let it leave. Do not deem us from having a good time. Do not deem us from just wanting to feel like a kid because of what our daily pressures are in our lives, whether it's the boss kicking our back in, whether it's our relationship not going the greatest this one day where we can go and feel where everyone can go and feel like a kid. It's only a couple of days out the year that you can do that.


Christmas, Thanksgiving, and 4 July, those are the only three days out the year that you can truly just go and truly feel like a kid and don't have to worry about a darn thing. So all you religions, leave us alone. Leave us be. Don't come out there with the hate speech. Don't be out there picketing.


Don't do nothing. Leave us be where we at and let us enjoy our day. And you guys go and enjoy your day however you see fit. Okay? I'm done talking to you, but I am going to tell you this.


Listen, if you're not going to participate in these trick or treaters coming, cut your porch light off. Okay? Cut your porch light off. That's the first thing that you guys need to do. Yeah, I'm addressing Halloween haters.


Got them out the way, but also too not so much as really? Yeah, I'm addressing Halloween haters. But at the same time, I want to highlight the beautiful things about Halloween. I want to highlight the beautiful things about Halloween and them porch lights. If you're not going to participate in Halloween, cut your porch lights off.


It's not that hard. Cut your porch lights off. Just cut them off. Nobody is begging you to pass out candy. If you're not going to participate, cut your light off.


So I don't walk up to your house and you guys say, I ain't giving her no candy, and then I know you all actually saying it through your ring doors now, but don't do that. Don't do that. That's tacky. Listen, just cut your porch light off or put a little thing out there, a little pumpkin and say, hey, we're not passing out candy here. Just like you put a note.


Listen, to sign up, put listen, we're not giving out candy here at this house, wherever it may be. I don't know if people go and trick or treating their departments. I wouldn't advise that. That's not safe. Do the houses and the houses only.


So anywho, moving on trickortreaters, trickortreaters. Love you all, man. But today, in today's age, new rules. New rules, ladies and gentlemen. New rules.


When it comes to this trick or treating Halloween, how this thing going to work? It's a new thing. And when I say it's a new thing, I mean it's a new thing. We got to set some new rules, right? As we progress into the world and as we continue to evolve and things get better and people come up with better ideas, we need to make some changes.


And we're going to talk about that today. We're going to talk about some of the changes that I would like to see implemented. Because I think it'll keep everyone safe. And I think that's where we want to be. We want everyone to be safe.


We want everybody to have a good time. Listen, I love that kid, like, feeling right. I'm going to be honest with you. I want to decorate my house crazy. You know what I'm saying?


I used to love that when I was a kid. Stayed in some apartments, but right across the street it was some houses. And so we would go over there and this family, they had a whole scene set up, which was fly. When I tell you, fly like you walk up on the house. They had some old school houses that had them big old windows in the front, which I'm not a fan of, but it was fly for this.


They had like the witch and she was putting somebody head in the dang on pot, and it was the lights and stuff like that. And then you had some dude got a knife in his head, and then he comes out and he points. And when he points, everybody's like looking. And then when you look, this dude in adjacent mass pulls up in a car. Boom.


Stops, looks, and then zooms off. Wow. Memory implanted in my head. I love it. Halloween great.


Love doing stuff like that. They had everything set up. I mean, just to walk up on somebody's home and see the decorations and the thought and the creativity that they put into it, I'm all for it. Even when the sitcoms do it and they put Modern Family, they did a great job. When they take the time to put their kid, like, spin on Halloween.


Halloween is supposed to be scary, but not really. If you really look at it, it's the scare factor, right? Because you have the haunted houses and stuff like that. But when you think about it. When you go through a haunted house or you see videos of people going through a haunted house, the reality is they laughing.


They laughing through the whole time. And yeah, I'm getting scared. I'm getting jumping. It's like watching a suspenseful movie. Oh, snap.


But then you kind of laugh it off a little bit. But that's fun. That's fun. It's fun. Halloween is a fun holiday.


There may be some worshippers out there, some witches and doing all that, but that ain't the part I'm talking about. I ain't into that. But I am into the fun part of Halloween, being able to have that kidlike feeling and laughing and seeing what people are seeing, people's creativity. Because not everybody's going to the store and buy their costumes. And when they don't do that and you see something totally different, it inspires everything that I want.


You all understand something out there, everybody inspires. No matter what it is that you do, you inspire somebody. Whether you believe it or not. There is some type of inspiration period in what it is that you do. People just don't see it all the time.


But it takes a little while, and it's like, okay, hey, you know what? I like that. I can incorporate that. I can do X, Y and Z. That's exactly what that is.


But the decorations, that's one of the things I want to highlight, the decorations. Because all you people who give great and I say great, I'm talking about do great decorations. I'm all for it. I do plan on not this year, but next year, I will share some photos. I do plan on decking out the house and kind of like having a whole deal where people can come through and it's a little haunted house, like something out in the yard that'll give them a little spooky, a little scare.


They can laugh and they can keep it pushing. And then, of course, I'm not a fan of opening up the door because how I grew up, keep that AC in the house. So stop running in and out that dough. Stop opening up my goddarn door. So what I'm going to do is put a little bowl outside, and you all can go up there, and you all can take whatever you all want.


I'm going to be nice. That's how nice I am. Just go up there and take it. I don't think I'm in the right neighborhood, but we'll see. Also, too, another thing that I like that's happening now is this trunk or treat.


This trunk or treat thing fly for those who can do it. I'm not offering up my vehicle to do trunk or treat. I'm just going to be honest with you. I'm not offering up. The people are asking for too much, okay?


They ask me to be in my vehicle 100% of the time for safety reasons. Listen, I like to move around. I like to shake and bake, okay? When I'm out there, I like to see what other people doing. So I ain't going to better do it, but I am appreciative of it.


But I think the trunk or treat is for anybody seven and below, perfect for them. Older kids can come, too, but it's truly for the kids seven and below. Love it, can't get past it. Trunk or treat for the people that's seven and below. Older kids, if you want to come and support your younger siblings, perfect.


But listen, trunk or treaters. Kids seven and below is perfect. It's safe. They get to see their friends. They get to hang out with people from school that they probably have had play dates with.


Trunk or treat is cool for that particular reason. And everybody gets to take pictures, laugh, and have a good time, get some cupcakes. And it's during the daytime. That's the beauty of it, right? Because you can get that done and then move on to do what you got to go do, if you get what I'm saying.


And if you're a partier, you know what I'm saying? You got the kids taking care of early. You can go drop them off with Grandma, unless Grandma ain't going out to go do her thing. And if she ain't, now you got the babysitters right there. Now you all can go do what you all got to do, you and your significant other.


Or if you just go and hit the town by yourself, go do that too. You know what I'm saying? Go put your costume on and go out there and have a good time. I like that. Trunk or treat in the morning for kids seven and below.


Perfect. Now, these trick or treaters, there's an age range for this. I would love to see this implemented. I would love to see this implemented worldwide or United States wide or countrywide. That's what I meant to say, countrywide.


Hear me out on this. So kids eight to probably about twelve, y'all can be the trick or treaters. You all can go trick or treating all day long because it's enough of you all. People have been having babies. There's a lot of y'all out there.


You all can split up and divvy up to candy however you all want to, right? If you want to bring your little brothers and tag along, no kids under five, no kids under five should be trickortreating. That's just me. That's just me. That's how I feel it.


But eight to like twelve or yeah, we go seven to twelve, give them a little five year window where they can go trick or treating. And then after that, I'm talking to you schools. I know you all ain't got a lot of money, and I know you're going to require some things from the parents to kind of help get this going. And I would be one of those parents that wouldn't mind donating to you guys having a Halloween party for the middle school kids, of course, only for the middle school kids, separate from the high school kids. That way they give them something to do, something to.


They're not just out there in the streets doing what gods know what, okay? They're just not doing anything and getting into any kind of mischief, which we know that there will be some, but to have a safe place for them to go and say, okay, hey, we can go here. We can dress up and we can dance, have the Halloween party, go crazy with the decoration, include the kids in, because we want to build that creativity and let them get inspired. Because we never know, we might get our next Stephen King. Because, hey, I might not couldn't have danced, but I set this whole thing up, you know what I'm saying?


I saw, I had a vision and because of that vision, that's just what that was. And look at us now, you know what I'm saying? It takes that. But I would love to see schools really dig into that and say, you know what? Yeah, let's do that.


You know what I mean? Let's do that. Let's give these kids somewhere to go. I know some schools do it, but not all schools do it. But I would love to see all schools do it.


And we already know with coming off this pandemic or whatever the case, a lot of our kids, all they are just stuck on their phones. So we got to get back to doing the things that actually get our kids outside and getting them happy and excited about being around other people. Because like I say, being in the house for two years or being in the house basically for two years and saying, I got to talk to a computer, I got to talk to a computer. What we just did is we reinforced them being in their phones, being on their laptops, being on that 100%. But we got to start doing things physically, getting them back out and making sure that those things are available.


Right when I was growing up, it was going to the skating ring. It was going to any hopscotch. I remember the word hopscotch. I mean, God. But it was cool because it was a way for us to socialize.


It was a way for us to kind of get practice on how it's going to be out in the world because don't nobody tell you that. Don't nobody really focus on that and they don't really tell you that. But those hopscotches and those dances, those was just like that was like the pre club. That was like the pre bar, that was pre. All of that.


That was like getting you ready for that. Because if you can be a shaker at the hopscotch or the county dance or whatever the case may be, if you can move around that, that lets you know that when you get older, you may be the partier and who doesn't want to be that, you know what I'm saying? And that'll help you with your social skills, being able to move around and shaking and baking and doing all those good things, you know what I'm saying? Because, listen, to keep that kid like, we have to instill in our kids why they're kid like or why they're in their kid and instill all of those good things into them and then we end up seeing that manifest. And when I say we end up seeing that manifest, we see them having a better time.


And in that way, that allows us as adults to be able to say, you know what, I can get back to let me tap into my kid, let me tap into my inner kid. Let me put my mask on, or whatever the case may be, and kind of go from there or whatnot. So, yeah, let's do that. And then, I mean, think about it builds confidence because to put on a costume and go out there and then try to holler at something no matter what. Come on, man.


I mean, that level of confidence, they doing this preteens, you know what I'm saying? Teenagers, they're doing this. If they can do this without alcohol, just imagine how fire it'll be when they are able to be able to drink. Like, yo, I'm already fly without the alcohol. What do you think is going to happen when I get the alcohol?


You know what I'm saying? Totally dope, totally dope. But yeah, I'm all for it. Listen, don't be a scrooge. You folks out there, don't be scrooge's to Halloween.


Halloween is not a bad thing. It's just a kid, like holiday or day for us to express ourselves. I know, cosplay I'm going to keep referring to them. Cosplay you all do things totally different. I mean, you all get to do that at any given time of the year.


And that is truly, in my opinion, that is truly a business for you guys. That's how you guys make your money or whatnot. But even the creators, right? Halloween may spark some makeup artists. I mean, technology is changing, but at the same time, those makeup artists, like some directors are going to say, you know what, I want that old school feel.


I don't want the computer generated stuff, I want this. Like when you look at how the Michael Myers mask was made off of William Shatner mask, that's crazy. So just think about that. That inspiration. Somebody who had a thought like, well, let me do this and let me paint it white, or whatever the case.


But the Michael Myers mask is literally a William Shatner mask from Star Trek. So think about that and just the creativity. We don't ever want to kill creativity, because if we kill creativity, scrooge it out, then they're not going to want to do nothing. We don't want to raise the next generation just to be lazy and just to be in their devices. We want to get them out.


We want to get them here. So some of these things where you all saying, hey, we need get rid of this, we don't support this. Listen, support the bigger picture. The bigger picture is being inspired, being creative, and allowing them to put this back out into the world. And I'm all for it.


Who doesn't want it? When my kids show me their creativity, I'm OD because it inspires me to want to do more and want me to say, let me tap into mine. Because that's a part of the brain that's going to push the world forward with creativity. Because of the things that we can do. Because nothing's impossible.


That's what I got. I told you guys, you all know me. I'm Nerdy man. I don't beat a dead horse. It's Halloween.


If you go out there, have some fun, I'm going to put me on a little something. If you see me out in the streets, I ain't going to say where I'm going to be at, but ain't going to shy away. If you see me say what's up, Nerdy's Nerdy's Umbrella ? But let me jump into this music right now. We're going to listen to the music and I get back and we'll close this out.


Here we go.


I am not Jasmine. I am Aladdin. So far ahead these bumps is lagging. See me in that new thing bums is gagging. I'm starting to feel like a dungeon dragon.


RA. Like a dungeon dragon. I'm starting to feel like a dungeon dragon. Look at my show footage how these girls be spazzing the fuck I look like getting back to a has been. Yeah, I said it has been.


Hang it up flat screen plasma hey, nigga, hey, nigga asthma? I got the pumps, it ain't got medicine I got bars sentencing I'm a bad dude, I'm a coat and I'll kick that hole punt for trauma blunt you play the back shamin a front you need a job this ain't cutting it nicki Minaj is who you ain't switch with you little fragrance beat you with a paddle lock. I am a movie camera block you out of work I know it's tough but enough is enough. Like a dungeon dragon like a dungeon dragon like a dungeon dragon like a dungeon dragon like a dungeon dragon like a dungeon dragon like a dungeon dragon like a dungeon dragon like a dungeon dragon like a dungeon dragon I ain't smug my whips off the chain. A little drop of candy cane drips off the brain with this mine got a puzle for brain and eraser forehead pet the four frames you don't like it, then pillow every last woman on I'll kill off and I still wouldn't to wipe the smile on your grill off.


I swear to God I'll put the happy mill off get the wheels turning spinning wheel off nap the axle in half of the tie rod quit hollering. Why God he ain't got do it by cons will never be fly cons the world me finished swallowing my dying finish money. Nice bra hope it'll fit it up life's hard. I swear to god life is a dumb blonde white fraud with fake and a bad tie top. Just spit in my face and call me a tightwise and finally I broke down and bought her an ipod and caught her stealing my music so I tied her arms and legs to the bed set up the camera twice on a look two peas and a tripod the more to the story is life treating you like dry side?


Kick it back in his face. My god a Sadie and Nicki Minaj you might find a sight quite OD but don't ask why, that's why punching bagging if I'm garbage, you're a bunch of maggots. Make that face go once and up at me. So many targets so I can lunge and attack it like like a dungeon dragon you fell off they must have pumped your wagon you must have went off the back I'm about to go off the teeth and cook it is it the thanks that I get for putting you bitches on? Is it my fault that all of you bitches gone?


Should have sent a thank you note your little home now I'm a wrap your coffin with a bow nick, Nicky, she just mad because you touched the spot world that mad because I took the spot. Well, bitch, if you ain't shooting and get off the pot got something down in Brooklyn that'll off your top. I hit a mumbling I hit a cackling I got him scared, shook panicking overseas church, vatican. You had a standstill, mannequin. You want to sleep on me overnight?


I'm the motherfucker boss, over, right? And when I pull up Rome motorbike, now I'm on ticket buck overbite. I see them Dutch BS Feli's, levi's, raggedy ants holes in your knee highs I call a play. Now do you see why these bitches calling me suck it? No, put on the stick it to him like refrigerator magazine I'm crooked enough to make straight jackets bit.


Yeah. Look who's back again. Keep acting as if you have the same passion I have. Yeah, right. Still hungry, Maya?


You ask the tag CASTIC bypass ain't hot enough to set fire to dry grass about his violent his hair on island looks like a flying leap of face off a balcony. Boss up a falcon wing up your fly. You know what time it is? The wide ass Mercedes and Nicky's world class and white swirl like a dungeon dragon. Like a dungeon dragon.


Like a dungeon dragon. Like a dungeon dragon. Like a dungeon dragon. Like a dungeon dragon. Like a dungeon dragon.


Like a dungeon dragon. Like a dungeon dragon. Like a dungeon dragon. Roman. Roman.


Stop it. Stop it. You've gone mad. Mad, I tell you. Mad.


You and this boy, slim Shady. What's going on? They'll lock you away. They'll put you in a jail cell, I promise. Take your mother's warning.


Roman, please, back to bed. Run along. Let's go. Come on. Wash your mouth.


That was up, boy.


All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are back. Yes, we're back. I'm here to close it out. Listen, if you didn't hear that, if you're listening on the DSPs, you already know that that was Roman's Revenge. Nicki, Minaj and Eminem.


That is a classic. I thought it was pretty fit for this episode. We're talking fun Halloween things or whatnot? Once again, ladies and gentlemen, if you rock with Nerdy's Nerdy's Umbrella , you're down with us. You want to be a part of us.


Links in the description reach out to us. Like I said, we're giving back to the community. We are more than content. Not only are we more than content listen, 2024 is going to be real big also, too. I want to put it out there.


Listen, we only have five, and I'm going to say five episodes left for the year. So we're going to get one episode in December, and after that, that is going to be it. And we're going on a break. We're going on a break because we got a big things coming up. And like I said, once again, we got big things coming up in 2024.


So after this last episode for the year is going to be that first week in December. O, that's random podcast. Listen, odd random podcast will be back in 2024. Some new, possibly real new. Looking a little sum, some on there too, but be on the lookout for what's coming up.


Check our social medias, nerdies, Nerdy's Umbrella , everything. And remember, go get some of the merch. Go support the channel. We're going to keep growing. We're going to keep giving you things and bringing things to you also, too.


Don't forget to get that. This may not be for you. The book is on Amazon. It's on audible. It's it's a quick read and all the above.


So go grab that and then make sure that you guys come and check us out. And just stay tuned. Once again, I'm your guy. Always will be your guy. That guy, the one and only Nerdy Geee.


And until next time, I'm out. Bye.


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About the Podcast

Oh That's Random Podcast is where we dive into the fascinating world of everyday real-life topics through the lens of a visionary.

Hosted by your guy, NerdyG, each episode takes you on a thought-provoking journey, offering fresh perspectives and unique insights. Whether you're an avid gamer, a science aficionado, or simply curious about the wonders of our reality, this podcast is for you.

So, grab your headphones, tune in, and get ready to embark on a journey of discovery with NerdyG. Let's explore the extraordinary in the ordinary, one topic at a time.
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About your host

Profile picture for Nerdy G

Nerdy G

Nerdy G is the founder and CEO of Nerdy’s Umbrella also he is a podcaster, writer, content creator, relationship counselor, and author of This May Not Be For You.
Nerdy’s vision is to help the everyday person to see the best in themselves by providing content that makes us all laugh and think at the same time.